Cancellation Policy

Weather-Related Cancellations

If we feel that the weather forecasted during your Session will result in unsafe boarding conditions, we will be in touch up to 3 hours prior to your scheduled session. If you don’t hear from us, assume the Session is confirmed as scheduled. We all know the forecast is not 100% reliable, so our Instructor will do their best to decide whether or not it is safe to proceed with ample notification, but we reserve the right to cancel up to 3 hours before the Session for your safety.

Why do we have this cancellation policy?

The weeks leading up to an event is an extremely important time for planning and preparation. We pair participants with the most appropriate coach and create lists of emergency contacts and medical information for each participant. When someone cancels, we not only must take the time to find someone to fill their spot, but we must also adjust all the previously mentioned planning documents. This whole process is to ensure our events provide the highest quality learning experience, in a safe environment, for all our participants.

Sphere Adventure Programs reserves the right to cancel events at any time for safety reasons.