Empowering Youth Through Adventure

Sphere’s mission is to empower youth by creating an inclusive community of enthusiastic and certified leaders, who will provide a variety of adventure recreation opportunities for youth. We are dedicated to improving the lives of youth by limiting the barriers associated with adventure recreation, and increasing participation in activities that are proven to improve cognitive, socio-emotional, and physical well-being.

The Team


Co-Founder, Snowboard Instructor


Co-Founder, SUP Instructor


Co-Founder, SUP Instructor

The Details

How we use the Girls On Boards program:

Our programs will teach safety, foundational skills, then advance skills, while incorporating the GOB framework. This framework includes vulnerable conversations within sharing circles, about issues facing participants, while simultaneously building empowering relationships.

  • Meet participants where they are, show them what they are capable of, and connect them with role models and like-minded individuals.
  • Challenge participants by building upon foundational skills, and pushing participants further when ready.
  • Promotes body positivity/healthy lifestyles in an inclusive, and culturally sensitive environment.

Business Direction

Sphere will provide necessary equipment and knowledge for youth to safely and effectively participate in each adventure. All programs will be led by certified individuals and will focus on basic skill development and progression, along with safety and proper use of equipment in an inclusive and engaging environment.

Programs will include discussions and, in some cases, activities focused on maintaining and preserving the natural spaces with which our programs and adventure activities take place. Depending on the specific activity, location, length of programming, and number of participants will vary.

Programs will be offered throughout all seasons, and will cater to youth scheduling by including options for after school, evenings, and weekends during the school year, and plenty of opportunities throughout the summer. Sphere will be made available for selected youth in the community at no charge. Participants will be nominated by community partner organizations.


A world where adventure recreation opportunities are accessible for all youth. Where youth from all backgrounds have the opportunity to benefit from the improved physical and mental health associated with learning new skills, stepping outside their comfort zone, and experiencing a variety of confidence building adventures.


Sphere is focused on providing adventure recreation opportunities for all youth. We aim to increase physical and mental health, and access to equipment that are limiting youth from participating in a variety of beneficial opportunities. Sphere will deliver enthusiastic and certified leaders to guide youth through an introduction to a variety of adventure recreation opportunities for all spheres: Earth, Water, Snow.




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